
Convert to an Eco-Friendly Heat Pump in New Albany

Install an Eco-Friendly Heat Pump in New Albany

石油和丙烷 火炉可能会给你保暖,但它们比较老旧,容易出问题. 首先, the prices of these fuel types fluctuate wildly 取决于需求和其他因素. 第二, 对化石燃料的依赖 has been targeted for reduction due to ecological concerns. 幸运的是,无论你住在新奥尔巴尼或韦斯特维尔的哪个地方,都有一种几乎没有缺点的暖通365投注官网选择: 电热泵.

如果你准备好改变的话, 或者只是想换掉你的旧热泵, 我们邀请您在 614.349.3332. 我们的暖通365投注官网专家在这里,不仅可以帮助您拆除旧系统, 还有修理或者 维修现有的热泵 也.


How Heat Pumps Heat and Cool 首页s in New Albany

How Heat Pumps Heat and Cool 首页s in New Albany

它可以帮助 think of a heat pump as an AC unit that can run in reverse. 当新奥尔巴尼变热时,你的恒温器会告诉热泵打开. 这将启动压缩机并开始制冷剂循环. 或者在的情况下 地热系统, it'll trigger a process deep underground. This liquid pulls the warmth from your home’s air, cooling it. 如果你知道的话 365投注官网听起来可能很熟悉. 这是电热泵在水银下降时所做的事情,这使它们真正与众不同.

在一年中较冷的部分,热泵将反向运行. 它不是把热量推到外面,而是从外面的空气中吸取热量. This warmth is then pumped inside your home. 一个单独的吹风机 你现有的炉子-然后推动空气在你的家里. 这种灵活性使他们在提高效率后,任何人在新奥尔巴尼一个伟大的选择. Even if you are just replacing an existing heat pump, you're still likely to see some comfort improvement.



Swapping a traditional HVAC system for a heat pump isn’t cheap, especially if you need ductwork service or a blower installed. If only looking at cost, you might be deterred. 但, if you take the time to compare 炉s to heat pumps, you'll find the latter has many attractive advantages.

pros of 在新奥尔巴尼安装热泵 和威斯特维尔包括:

  • 更一致的加热: 不像 传统供暖系统, heat pumps don’t constantly shut on and off. Instead, they continuously cycle air throughout your home.
  • 一个房间分别控制: 热泵使 规划你家的暖通365投注官网 容易. Need to heat the attic and lay off on the living room? 这是热泵的一种选择.
  • 不再有烧焦的气味: 当你踢你的 加热器 or 在每个季节的第一次,你可能会闻到燃烧灰尘的气味. 有了热泵,就不会有火灾和烟尘. 这意味着没有燃烧和烟味.
  • 环保: 说到排放,热泵是表现最好的暖通365投注官网系统之一. 所以,如果环保在你的日程上, get a quote on heat pump conversion in New Albany.
  • 节省空间: 热泵可以加热和冷却,消除了对笨重的室内系统的需要. This gives you back closet or basement space.
  • 广泛的兼容性: 住在豪宅里? 小房子? 没有管道? With heat pumps, none of these things are a problem. 的ir versatility allows for almost limitless configuration options.
  • 降低能源费用: 与传统的强制空气系统相比,电热泵提供了巨大的节省. 如果你想知道它能在新奥尔巴尼省下多少暖气或冷气费用, 给派拉蒙供暖 & 拨打电话.

That is not to say that the 电热泵 are perfect. 它们也有一些缺点. 首先,他们需要一个二次鼓风机,以便有效地分配空气. 第二, 气温降至冰点以下, 热泵的效率大大降低, 吸收更多的电量. 最后, 因为它们全年都在运行, 热泵的使用寿命比供暖和交流设备稍短. 但, when compared dollar-for-dollar, these dual systems offer the ultimate in HVAC convenience and return on investment.

Let Us Help You Take Advantage of Heat Pump Rebates in New Albany

Let Us Help You Take Advantage of Heat Pump Rebates in New Albany

With the government pushing for better environmental choices, 一些回扣是可用的 for residents looking to switch to an electric heat pump. At , we stay up to date on current discounts and offers. 这使我们能够为新奥尔巴尼和韦斯特维尔的客户提供最物有所值的服务. 但我们不只是把知识传授给你,我们还帮助你应用它.

So, 如果你想在新奥尔巴尼的热泵转换上节省数千美元, reach out to the HVAC experts at Paramount 加热 & 空气.



If you’ve relied on a fossil fuel heating system for a while, 你可能会考虑切换到更新的热泵技术. You may also have heard some negative things. 在这里, 我们将揭穿关于将化石燃料炉转换为电热泵的四大误区.

Myth #1: Heat pumps don’t work on frigid days.

在20世纪80年代, heat pumps struggled to deal with temperatures below freezing. 但, 从那时起, 这些改进使这些系统能够轻松处理低至-13°F(-25°C)的温度。. 值得注意的是,当温度下降到这个数值时,它们会失去效率.


而有些房主更喜欢安装二次供暖系统,比如 or 加热器 这不是要求. 寒冷气候热泵是在似乎没有热量的地方寻找热量的大师. 虽然,在某些情况下,我们可能会建议保持你目前的炉. 唯一能确定的方法就是 contact us for a free quote on heat pump conversion 在韦斯特维尔或新奥尔巴尼.

Myth #3: Fossil fuels are cheaper than electric heating.

If you use the right technology, this one is false. 这个流言的起源是因为电炉比煤炉更贵. 但那是因为 炉s aren’t the most effective electric heating system-热泵! Since these systems only move heat from one spot to another, they don’t need to stress themselves as much. 这导致 降低了新奥尔巴尼地区的暖通365投注官网成本.


热泵的成本可能超过100美元 新的交流 单位或 ,但这是有道理的,因为 这些电器可以兼顾两者. 所以,在你对成本犹豫不决之前,确保你做了一个公平的比较.

Now that you know the truth of these HVAC myths, 我们邀请您在 (614) 349-3332 to look into a heat pump conversion in the New Albany area.


Signs It's Time to Replace Your Heat Pump

你是否已经使用热泵来维持房屋或车库的温度? Did you replace that clunky old 炉 ages ago? 也许是时候升级一下了. 下面是x信号,是时候 更换都柏林的热泵 或Westerville:


由于它们必须承担双重责任,热泵的寿命不像炉子或365投注官网那么长. If yours needs repair and is more than 10 years old, it's time to consider new 在新奥尔巴尼安装热泵


If you've noticed a huge uptick in your heating or cooling bills, 那么你的旧热泵可能是罪魁祸首. 随着这些系统的老化,它们开始努力维持温度. While regular maintenance can keep your heat pump stumbling along, there comes a time when replacement is the better option.


Are you suddenly dealing with hot and cold spots? 您的热泵是否不能像以前那样快速响应变化? 这是一个非常常见的故障热泵,是即将到来的系统更换的一个指标.


Are you calling an HVAC company two to three times a summer? 的n, it's time to consider system replacement. As heat pumps wear out, parts tend to fail in sequence. To get off the discomfort treadmill, give 614.349.3332 a call to get an estimate on New Albany heat pump replacement.

不幸的是,这些症状也可能是系统需要365外围足球平台或修理的迹象. 的 only way to know for sure is to pick up your phone and dialing 614.349.3332.



If you're looking to go from a fossil fuel 炉 to a heat pump, 有很多不同的路线. 的se heat pump conversion options in New Albany include:


Right now, you’re tied to an oil delivery service. 你的院子或地下室的一部分也可能被一个大油箱占据. 通过将油炉转换为热泵,或者将两者混合使用双燃料系统,你可以使家庭供暖效率更高. 为 热泵安装免费报价 in Dublin or New Albany, give us a call at (614) 349-3332.


Though natural gas is the least expensive of the three options, heat pump efficiency outstrips it by about 40 percent. 进入 冷却服务——你的 气炉 might not have—is another reason to consider making the switch. If you reach out to us by phone or through our site, 我们很乐意讨论细节,并详细说明你可以节省多少钱.


Though deliveries are less frequent for propane than oil, you still need regular drop-offs to stay comfortable. 一个丑陋的油罐或“猪”,虽然比在油炉里看到的要小得多,却在你的院子里乱七八糟. 当你把这些东西和低成本的电热泵结合起来, 你可以看到人们为什么选择皈依. To 找一个报价来做这个转换,通过电话或 form.

Already have a heat pump and want to get an upgrade? 然后,可能值得探索地下水、双燃料和无管道的选择.



的 costs of completely swapping fuel sources can be prohibitive. 要是有就好了 一种既能省钱又能保护环境、提高效率的方法? That’s where dual fuel heat pumps come into play. 通过在你现有的燃料源和热泵之间交替,他们最大限度地提高了你的舒适度.

的 benefits of dual fuel heat pump installation are four-fold:

  1. 环境改善: 让你的炉子休眠,直到温度变得非常寒冷, 热泵减少污染. Installing a heat pump is a great way to go green.
  2. 节约成本: 如果你保留你的典型的炉子,你将被当前的石油或天然气价格所束缚. This can lead to drastic increases during supply constraints. Having a back-up heat pump can free you from that dependence.
  3. 气候寒冷的可靠性: Though heat pumps can now operate in low temperatures, there are times when a 炉 will do the job better. 双燃料系统可以根据需要在两个设备之间切换.
  4. 延长设备寿命: 分开加热的责任可以让你的热泵和炉子比他们自己运行的时间更长. 这样你就有更多的时间为新衣服存钱,而不用担心是否舒适.

享受最好的暖通365投注官网世界 双燃料系统安装从 ! 今天给我们打个电话 得到一个没有义务的报价 on 在新奥尔巴尼安装热泵.

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